Friday, December 31, 2004

Berghoeffer play set, hope chest not included

The other night, Peter and I went out to Ruben's garage and threw some darts with Ruben and Ken. Later we went to Mulligans where we got two pitchers of only the finest of PBR (a typical drinking night). We discussed the nature of sympathy, arguing that sympathy is in itself an illusion as well as discussing the possibility of creating action figures of people we know (this is possible only because everyone I know is neurotic and animated). You can read all about it on "the original grotesque parody." While I was there I realized that that is exactly how I want to spend my time, that for that moment, as much as I bitch about my circumstances, I had a good time. I have missed good, fulfilling conversation. Hopefully, my abundance of time over interim will bring about a more enjoyable aspect of my daily life.

my brother's blog

I've been at home off and on for about a week while by parents and my fifteen-year-old have been in Florida. I've been helping Christina dog-sit. Because I no longer have internet access at my current place of residence, I have taken every opportunity to use my parent's computer. While wasting time online while the dog begs to be let outside, I have recently stumbled across my brother's blog in the history URL. I find it particularly interesting seeing as how I know very little about his daily adolescent life. I also find the heavy use of internet slang among him and his friends (linked) striking in the younger generation. As he's been in Florida for a ten days, he hasn't updated the blog but the content of the tremultuous daily pubescent life is intriguing to read and if I began to feel bad about my age, viewing adolscence in text-form is comforting to my current state of mind. I'm not sure what the URL technically is, but you can search for his blog, jpokey22 on xanga's site. If this doesn't work, comment to me and perhaps I can find an appropriate URL.

Friday, December 24, 2004

peter, answer your phone

hey y'all. I'm at home today watching my parents dog while xtina is out running errands. I went back into town to see if I received my long-feared credit card statement in the mail (nope, safe for a couple more days) and to see if peter wanted to get some coffee. but alas, peter was no where to be found. he must have made a whole wad of cash and decided it may be a good gesture to buy some christmas presents. It's been a while since I've had internet access, at my folks house I can once again check all my usual sites: blogs, the onion, pitchfork, rufus. I'm having a hard time believing that it's christmas eve. I haven't had time to soak in the fact that it's that time of year again because I've been overwhelmed with the stress of moving out and former roommates demanding money (unjustly I might add). As much as I love being around christina this much, I really miss my friends and hopefully I can get back to my normal lifestyle once again. yes, and by lifestyle I mean wasting all my money at mulligans with peter.

Monday, December 20, 2004


I've never realized before exactly how many possessions I've accumulated until now. Trying to put everything into boxes, being unable to throw away unneeded objects due to sentimental value, this process will take longer than I thought. On the positive side, Peter is considering getting ordained in spiritual humanism to perform my wedding ceremony. It sounds interesting. Every morning I've been waking up feeling semi-shitty from drinking moderate amounts of beer. It just feels like it's catching up with me.

Wednesday, December 15, 2004

following peter's advice

In following the advice of Peter, now that I'm done with exams, I am officially "updating this shit." I don't have much to say, but I'm looking forward to spending more time with Christina, and with my other love: alcohol. Peter, I hope you feel better and perhaps I'll see you tonight. Expect more updates soon now that my exams are officially done.

Friday, December 10, 2004


Thursday night, Christina went to the Iron and Wine show in San Francisco. She said it was a great show, playing solo in an intimate venue. She has no idea just how jealous I am, so I'm proving it to her by posting it on my blog. On a positive note, I finally figured out how to post pictures. Last night I finally finished my "god gene" paper. It's not as good as I thought it would be but at least it's done. After finishing the paper, I had a couple PBR's with Peter, Zach, and Andrew. We had a college moment, discussing the lifespan of postmodernism and the possibility of entering into a new intellectual domain: transmodernism. It felt like a teen movie's rendition of what higher learning is all about. Tonight, I may possibly catch "saturday looks good to me" at the daac. Transmodernism, then the daac? Next thing you know I'll be prospecting vertigo for vinyl of "guided by voices" side projects and out-of-print "superchunk" albums.

Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Christmas without Peanuts

This past saturday morning I was killing time by watching cartoons and I saw an ad for "A Charlie Brown Christmas" to be played tonight at eight. I had every intention of watching it, because, let's face it, it's just not Christmas without *good grief* peanuts. I find that if I focus on Christmas, despite my frustration with how much it's been commercialized, I can more easily look forward to it as a goal allowing me to get more papers done before the semester closes. However, much to my disappointment, I missed it. Today I've been attempting to write a paper that just isn't turning out the way I'd like, perhaps god is punishing me for trying to disprove him for a grade. Even though I know I have to get this done by friday, because it's not turning out I spent my day looking at various items to waste my time - a receipt, an old issue of Redbook (sent to my house by mistake), iTunes. Anyway, because I had been subconsciously trying to waste time, I, in effect, missed "A Charlie Brown Christmas." Woe is me.

I am the most pathetic individual ever

Monday, December 06, 2004

The God Gene

So I'm writing my senior thesis (more or less) where I'm trying to separate spirituality from religion and show a genetic basis for spirituality. I've just finished reading "The God Gene" by Dean Hamer. This book is amazing. I never thought I could be so sucked in by the writings of geneticist. In his book, he claims he has successfully isolated a gene that is partially responsibly for the variation in human's personal sense of spirituality. Even if you have no interest in genetics, reading this book will give you a greater sense of what spirituality is and how it manifests itself within the populus. consult your local library. Until Friday, I will be immersed in writing this paper. Then, Sunday, Christina will be back.

Saturday, December 04, 2004

drankin' bar in the garage

Tonight was another amusing night in Mellissa and Ruben's garage. I would normally have a great time there, but my mind is running so fast from my recent journey in academia that I have a hard time letting myself relax. Christina comes back in nine days. I'm ready for the semester to be over so I can re-integrate my life. Well, sorry I don't have anything sarcastic to say, I need to get to bed.

Thursday, December 02, 2004

Thanks Bono, for facilitating world peace with your ipod commercial

Finally, common ground all nations can look upon, hatred toward the ipod commercial featuring U2's new "hit" song. It's two a.m., I'm entering my tenth page on this cognitive psychology paper, and I'm completely lost. I've reached that point that I get to in all my papers that I simply want to delete the entire thing. In two weeks from today, I can breathe easier. Until then, I am officially a hermit coming out for air only to attend further class and work. I love this time of year.