Friday, December 31, 2004

my brother's blog

I've been at home off and on for about a week while by parents and my fifteen-year-old have been in Florida. I've been helping Christina dog-sit. Because I no longer have internet access at my current place of residence, I have taken every opportunity to use my parent's computer. While wasting time online while the dog begs to be let outside, I have recently stumbled across my brother's blog in the history URL. I find it particularly interesting seeing as how I know very little about his daily adolescent life. I also find the heavy use of internet slang among him and his friends (linked) striking in the younger generation. As he's been in Florida for a ten days, he hasn't updated the blog but the content of the tremultuous daily pubescent life is intriguing to read and if I began to feel bad about my age, viewing adolscence in text-form is comforting to my current state of mind. I'm not sure what the URL technically is, but you can search for his blog, jpokey22 on xanga's site. If this doesn't work, comment to me and perhaps I can find an appropriate URL.

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