Saturday, October 01, 2005

marginally better

I slept for eleven hours last night. I woke at eleven this morning with the aids parade marching in the sunshine outside my window. x-tina burned a pan after making me eggs this morning, we didn't notice until the apartment filled with smoke. She was upset at her mistake. I was at a loss for words because of how tired I was and besides, what could I say to make things better. I'm sure I came off as an asshole like I usually do. I cleaned the apartment while she was gone. I feel better today than yesterday, I'm not sure what I'll do. I'll probably continue trying to figure out if I like "curb your enthusiasm" or not. Perhaps I don't. Now I'm outside enjoying one of the last days of good weather.


Jonathan said...

not the emeril 12'' pan?! i feel for you if this is so.
marginally over,

Anonymous said...

I'm happy to say that this did not happen to the emeril 12" pan. Also, I was able to scrub the hell out of the burnt pan to a usable condition. Peter and I were just talking about you last night. What are you up to? Are you ever coming to visit? Kevdek