Thursday, December 14, 2006

chappy chanukkah

Yup, I'm still bored at work. I have one more week in student affairs and then, as it turns out, I'm back to my starting point. That's right; no job for me in the legal clinic. However, yesterday I applied to two more positions here and I received a letter from wbez chicago letting me know I'm still in the running for a position I applied for almost two months ago.

Last night the wife and I had dinner with matt and mandy followed by a classic west michigan treat: eucre.

Tomorrow night xtina's sister is coming in from portland and we'll all go back home for an early christmas.

Lately christina has been making Hanukkah cakes. Because neither of us have a vast knowledge of this holiday, we've been coming up with creative things to put atop the cakes. Some of our favorites include "chappy chanukkah," "wouldn't jew rather celebrate christmas?" a full headshot of Barbara Streisand and, in borat fashion, decorating the cakes with money or a scene from 'the running of the jew.'

Next time you see christina, tell her "chappy chanukkah."

Care to share any other creative ideas?

1 comment:

mattypro said... I feel like I have a right to say that I came up with Chappy Chanukkah. So there.

And how about: "Remember when we killed thier lord? Great times."

"40 years in the wilderness was nothing next to shopping for my spouse!"