Sunday, December 28, 2008

working mans blues

Christmas is over and work is dying down. I'm sorry I wasn't able to come back and see everyone while they were with their families and whatnot but I'll be able to return for "Christmas" next weekend. It's been a few months since we've returned and I'm looking forward to seeing whoever will see us.

The wife and I made a brief, spontaneous visit to her folks house xmas day. I didn't have an extended break where I got to sleep in and lounge around the living room or even a few hours of time to reset my psyche this year, but christmas day was good. We had some wine and cheese, a good dinner and time with the in-laws - not to mention a brand new bike trainer. The day was capped-off by a sleepy drive home to resume my early morning routine. This is a hard time of year for people who do what I do. You work tirelessly in effort to create (or create the illusion of) what can be described as 'dream christmas' for those more fortunate, while you yourself work sixty hours a week with no break, no time for reflection, no 'holiday season' to speak of. Christmas becomes something achieved for others, and taken away from you. I'd like not to do this next year. Now, I don't want to be all negative; I describe it in this way because the experience, the feeling is unexpected. I'd certainly rather have it this way than the way it was before this job.

Soon friends should be returning to the city and I can resume this season as normal. I'll be working new years day, but I'll try to stay up past midnight and find something to do this new years eve.

1 comment:

rebecca said...