Monday, March 28, 2005

spring is sprung

The sun is shining, it's mid 40's today. Interesting how warm I think mid 40's feels after winter in comparison with the fall. Yesterday I had easter dinner at my parents house and it went surprisingly well. Following I did some laundry and came back to GR. Xtina and I went for a walk around downtown and heritage hill. South division to commerce to monroe center (saw the new museum site progress) to the calder up lyon past the GRAM up to my secret place (crescent park overlooking the GR skyline) and through part of heritage hill. It's strange how I can feel some affinity towards a city I've bitched about for so long. Don't get me wrong, I'm still acheing to get out of here but I've realized that I can live here for a while and not feel too bad about it.


p said...

whats your friday looking like? want to come out and go for a hike? that wasn't supposed to rhyme. Anyway maybe some other time this weekend. party party party. grab mcglone and reynolds too.

reynolds said...

hiking's for suckers. what we gotta do is EXTREME HIKING!!!*&^$#%#%%@%#.