Friday, December 09, 2005

every 15 minutes... era ends.

I went out to m'gans with metal, peter, and nick last night. Now I'm sitting around doing nothing, half-heartedly cleaning, opening and closing the refridgerator repeatedly searching for something to eat. Last night was a night of optimism: peter the poet, nick the filmmaker, myself the... oh what was that again?

As I get older I find it more and more difficult to "get into the christmas spirit," if such a thing exists. Despite hours looking at the snow, plugging in my single strand of christmas lights that wraps around over half of my living room, listening to Vince Gauraldi, I can't help but feel that it's just like the day prior. Normally I wouldn't want to delude myself with any sort of artificial emotion but, as you know if you're a long-time reader, I'm trying to find a way to separate weekday from weekday, week from week.

I have a dozen items on hold for me at the library. I haven't picked anything up yet because I have enough to do. The librarian is wondering why I'm always at the library but won't pick up my stuff.

The word of the year is podcast.


zach said...

i think you need to start taking pills.

zach said...

oh hi mr. i'm-too-loaded to drive my good friend zach home from calvin so he has to sleep on the fucking dirty couch in the BHT basement and wake up with some dutch kid with braces looking at me like i'm a bum. i hope you're not too drunk to drive your brand new civic home.

just kidding kevin. i should have taking the bus anyway. i just wanted to publicly try and plant a few seeds of guilt. i actually LIKE the dorm basement + calvin kids. i'm 23 years old what the fuck am i doing in the dorm basement on a saturday....

zach said...

you WILL be done clean...