Wednesday, November 30, 2005


I haven't spoken to anyone since I've gotten back. I would like to congradulate Peter on getting published so now normal people in normal bookstores can purchase his works and read them while visiting normal coffeeshops. I, for one, will be the first to download the podcast edition of his works. Someday I will tell people that, yes, in fact, I frequented the now-infamous Berghoeffer. They'll speak about it in the same tone as they speak about frequenting Rick James' hollywood apartment. I would also like to congradulate Will on posting a picture of himself so we can all see his sexy face.

My trip to Portland was fantastic. Despite most things being closed and the ensuing boredom that accompanies the holiday weekend, it was great to be in a new place with no context. On thanksgiving day I walked from my e.burnside hotel through downtown and up the hill to the rosegarden. I encountered a brass indian overlooking the bustling, cosmopolitan downtown area. I stood next to him, looking out over the developed skyline nested in mountains and thought "you and me both." I thought it was the most appropriate thanksgiving moment I've ever had.

As a whole, I had pleasant feelings regarding the northwest. It's scenic, sprawl is under-control, and people live a more conscious lifestyle. I have yet to register the people and how I feel about the possibility of relocating. I have the feeling just from scanning the crowd that I don't know how easy it would be to be me. It seems i have some competition. In the 'rusalem I'm a highly-demanded commodity. There, it seems, there are thousands just like me but without the crippling insecurity, receding hairline, the tendancy to speak loudly and do nothing, or any combination of traits I could do without.

I'm looking forward to spending time with the people I know and love. Our days are always fleeting, sometimes they just become more appearant than others.


Anonymous said...

Trust me on this, your dutch calvinist upbringing ensures that you would not be just like eveyone else here.

Jonathan said...

kevin i'm glad you got the chance to check out portland. here's an article i read last week on the place:

hope all is well.