Saturday, October 18, 2008

It's Saturday and I've picked up the CSA box, grocery shopped at 'the hole,' and cleaned the apartment. Tonight we're having Matt and Mandy over for dinner. Rest assured we'll clear out the magic hat variety box purchased today and I'll awake tomorrow morning with a sore shoulder from swinging a wiimote around the living room. Very little other news to speak of - Xtina is sending out her first nursing school application this week.

Making dinner, Xtina is listening to Garrison Keillor in the kitchen. It's curious that while I've always found his program irritating, It's starting to give me nostalgic feelings - but nostalgic feelings for a time where I also didn't like prairie home companion. strange.


p said...

went to founder's last night. wish you could have been there beating up on some delicious beers with us. then I bought some of this on the way home

rebecca said...

i remember you giving me shit for reading a garrison keillor book (and liking it) a few years ago. my how the tables have turned.

come over and see the new apartment & drink magic hat with me.