Saturday, February 28, 2009

cold as ice

I've just returned from my first bike tour of 2009 - "Vuelta a Albany Park." Comprising only 20 miles the ride was more a neighborhood tour than a 'bike tour. The event was part of a series of year-round neighborhood bicycle tours organized by a local amateur historian, among other things. Given the temperature, I layered for the outing and managed to stay warm enough except for my feet and the roads were dry enough not to have to worry about ice. I'm hoping I can continue to do these every month. Let the 2009 season begin!

Xtina had her first adventure with the local Polish supermarket today. Typically we're Whole Foods people but after working at a place and learning it's inner-workings, you begin to see things in a different light and I think we're opening up to different options. Xtina was delighted to discover she can pass as Polish - it must be fun to be able to pass as a local.

Friends coming into town in just two weeks, vacation in three weeks - It'll be nose to the ground until then.


erin said...

due to an unfortunate hair dyeing incident (the result of which is that i appear to be someone who enjoys marilyn manson and cutting herself)people in oaxaca keep mistaking me for a light skinned mexican.

good times.

p said...

metal said...

what the hell dude are you still on a boat or something?