Monday, April 13, 2009

the early shift

Today marked a new milestone in my bicycle obsession: an intentional bike commute in the rain. Yesterday I was able to install real (read: not clip-on) fenders all by myself without getting frustrated or screwing anything up. I was surprised at how easily everything came together after all the months of agonizing at which type of fenders to purchase. I also bit the bullet and bought an expensive pair of rain cycling pants. And how did the ride go - I'd be lying if I said it was didn't mind the rain but it sucked much much less than an unintentional ride in the rain. Maybe this year I'll ride through the winter as well.

The ride to work was great, though. I had to count inventory this morning which meant a 3:30am ride through the city. I don't think I'd ever ridden so late into the night. It was exhilarating! The city is alive at that hour: dreary-eyed late night latin bar-goers stumble onto Milwaukee avenue under the watchful eye of chicago's finest, hard-hatted laborers smoke cigarettes with greasy hands outside the steel mill on cortland street passing over the still river, the lights on marcey street not yet lit giving the nearing skyline even more dominance over its surroundings. I'm considering starting a series of overnight rides through the city. I think it'd be hard to get a large enough group to ensure safety though many neighborhoods.

Xtina is almost done with city college. She can't wait to get back to "smart people school." We've seen six or seven houses with our realtor, who was just featured in the latest publication of the Chicago sustainable business alliance, but all of them, regardless of price, seem to have at least one fatal flaw: caving-in facade, mold, wiring stolen from the walls, or my favorite - gas leak (motivated seller). Looking is fun, though, if not a little frustrating.

Erin has got me all nostalgic for Grand Rapids but I'm not sure when I'll be able to return. Work is crazy right now. I'll get back eventually.


erin said...

tomorrow. tomorrow my bike goes in.

zach said...

dude, you're going to buy a house?