Monday, May 26, 2008

Just got home from Ill'nois...

...Lock the front door o boy

I had to catch a ride with xtina on her way to work this morning because the cta is completely unreliable on early holiday mornings. That is why I'm here almost an hour early, blogging in a dark office before six a.m. on memorial day.

Not too much happened this weekend - I found myself working the entire time. I didn't have any alternate plans, I just miss the holiday weekend in general. I suppose I did watch 'The Big Lebowski' while drinking a Two Brothers 'Victor's MemoriAle Altbier' - that may count as memorial day-related.

I'm taking a few days off this coming weekend. I'll be returning home to go to my younger brother's high school graduation open house. Maybe I'll see a couple of you around. Peter - I'm looking in your direction.


p said...

friday night was rad dude.

rebecca said...

there's not nearly enough broken glass on the sidewalk in front of my building. let's change that. call me. i have GREY GOOOOOSE!*

*no i don't