Tuesday, August 29, 2006

going to the country

I had a great weekend. We've only been in the city two weeks and already have some urge to escape the urban plane sporatically. Xtina and I went to andrew's parents' cottage in Fennville and grilled, drank cheap beer and generally hung out with old friends and some new ones too. I stopped by my parents house and got a new cell phone (which I'm paying for). It has a camera and, relatedly, I have an entirely new way of annoying my wife.

This post is a mess; I feel my mind has gone to shit since I stopped working and started watching several hours of television every day. Christina is in an interview with one of the top pastry chefs in town, aspiring to sign on to her patissarie - 'bittersweet.' This was the top job on her list and I'm hoping she'll get it, especially considering we were worried she hadn't gotten a call back due to an overzealous salary requirement.

Some things are piling up - renters/car insurance, money woes, and boredom; but I'm trying to stay positive. I have a good feeling we'll be making money soon. Don't get the wrong idea, we aren't about to be thrown out on the street, I just want to be productive, get off the couch, and earn some money so I can stop worrying and start enjoying this, the city of big shoulders.

I know that zach is moving to ecuador tomorrow and I wish him the best.

I'm missing all the people in grand rapids with whom I should have spent more time while I had the chance. Tonight I'll join the crew at the map room followed by a jaunt at the happy village - my chance for entertainment for the week. Then again, tonight the chicago outdoor film fest is showing 'ferris beuller's day off' in grant park. Could anything be more chicago?

To those of you I haven't spoken to, I'm doing fine, missing GR but not excessively, and I'll figure out how to make ends meet in the city sooner or later.


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