Friday, December 01, 2006

winter is here

Today is the first day of winter in the city. Ice-cold wind and inches of sleet. Just two days ago it was almost sixty-five degrees. I waited in the cold and snow/ice mixture for almost a half hour for the bus. By the time I got on I was wet to the skin, shivering, and contemplating going home.

Xtina and I had people over last night. Being a weeknight, we didn't have as many people as we had wanted, but we had fun nonetheless. Also, being a weeknight I (of course) drank too much which sealed my fate for this morning. Now I'm achey, I have a headache, and I want to go home and watch season four of 'mr. show' fresh in from netflix.

Today is 'first friday' at northwestern meaning the campus is full of students because they serve free food and beer. Free beer - on campus. It's a far cry from my experience at calvin.

I've just been given my first task of the day. I should go

1 comment:

p said...

Little chief.