Monday, July 09, 2007

back to town

I think I'm going to come back to town for a while this week. I need to decompress for a bit. Also, I need to catch metal before he becomes the next one to skip town. Xtina is working like crazy these days and I wouldn't see her much anyway. I've been married for over two years now and this will be the first time we've slept apart since being wed.

Not much else to say around here. Pitchfork is this coming weekend and the weather should be better than it has been. Next weekend we can move into our new place - such an idea brings so many worries for me I prefer not to think about it.

Our landlord has our current apartment listed with two different agencies right now and they're parading people through our stuff almost daily. They're having a hard time renting it - it doesn't help that he raised the rent and it was overpriced before.


p said...

i'm not especially available this weekend but i want to see you and metal too. whats up sunday

rebecca said...

i'm going to be in grand rig this weekend as well, pickwick?