Sunday, September 07, 2008

slip and fall

I may have mentioned this previously but my place of employment has an annual bicycle contest that I have been participating in all summer. My goal has always been to finish in the top ten and as of two weeks ago I was ranked seventh overall in the region. Prizes include trips to NYC and to Guatemala, gift certificates and PTO hours. The competition ends in two weeks so I've been hitting it pretty hard.

This past Wednesday I got up at dawn intending to finish my standard 65 mile training ride (I try to stay around 20 mph). The trail was a bit wet so I slowed down but slipped around a corner on what must be the first fallen leaves of the season. I'm pretty scraped-up on my hip and elbow and until just recently I had some serious pain in my bones - so much so I missed a free Andrew Bird concert downtown.

I've (correction: Christina has) been tending my wounds the best I can and I'm still in some pain but I wouldn't let it keep me from riding in the Chicago Bicycle Federation's Boulevard Lakefront Tour. Early this morning I bandaged myself up and competed today's 93 mile trek (63 miles on the course and 30 miles to and from the starting line in Hyde Park.) I didn't think I'd be able to finish - even yesterday - but Xtina and I made it. I love group rides; I'm considering riding in the North Shore Century Ride.

A friend of mine is riding to the U.P. in a few weeks. It makes me think I should try riding to Grand Rapids sometime. The only problem would be the route.

Xtina thinks I should get a bike tattoo.


erin said...

color me impressed. a standard 65 miles?!?

p said...

falling sucks the most.

rebecca said...

losing sucks the most. fall on, brother. i want you to win that damn contest!