Wednesday, April 13, 2005

adult toy blinking bright, rain or snow in sight

The other day I was watching tv as I frequently do and I noticed a curiously odd mascot for one of our local tv stations. His name is "blinkie, the weatherball mascot" and I'm not sure what he looks like to the marketing department of this local station, but I do know what he looks like to me. Tell me what you think. Mandy, how could you let this happen?


reynolds said...

funny, metal just said 'not as phallic as dekkinga thinks it is.' right before i read your comment. kevdek: your new name for the day is peenbrain.

Anonymous said...

You know, I used to like you Kevin.

I don't have any idea what you're talking about -- I see nothing phallic about a long (-ish) tube with a large (-ish) ball on the end. It certainly doesn't look like anything I've ever seen ... but then again, I am an innocent.

p said...

He probably thinks those sweet, innocent young girls are testicles somehow.

reynolds said...

wait, don't they?