Tuesday, July 04, 2006

long weekend

Last weekend was another bust in regards to our apartment search. We found a great place with a lake view and a new kitchen but the location demanded an hour commute to the loop - and it was in a high-rise. I've never been able to see myself in a high-rise or a complex. Perhaps it's a need to feel a sense of place or ownership (despite being a renter) that makes me feel stifled and unwelcomed in a high-rise. I need just a little outdoor space of my own. With another unsuccessful weekend we are pushing back our move to aug. 15 or sept 1st at the earliest. There is the full update, so don't ask me again. At least we were able to enjoy the day by stopping in historic downtown fennville for a post-dinner dinner at journeymans, followed by an evening at the sand bar, peter and erin's summer cottage in saugatuck.

Sunday was spent in a typical way, doing laundry at the in-laws. Later we had dinner, drinks, and conversation with friends - which does wonders in breaking the sunday tradition and adds continuity for the week. Monday I missed karate and briefly thought about not going anymore. Which is worse, continuing to feel bad at another activity, or living with guilt about quitting something else that's good for me? Here is the real reason I missed karate.

And now, on this nation's birthdate, we rose early to march in a grand rapids parade with the campaign in which I've been volunteering. Immediately thereafter we trekked to the kentwood parade for a less receptive audience. This brings me to now. We're exhausted, but looking for something to do this evening nevertheless. I'm glad we decided against the initial plan of going to the my morning jacket show in chicago. I'm much too tired to drive that far. Perhaps I'll celebrate independence by drinking too much on a worknight.

One more thing: to those of you who will understand, I laughed out loud in my cubicle upon seeing this last week. I'm sure I'll give you another update before long.

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