Wednesday, September 27, 2006

the problem with netflix...

I just signed up for netflix and now I can't seem to remember any of those movies/tv shows I wanted to see so badly. Isn't that how it goes. All I can remember is all the new music I've wanted to hear but don't have the internet access to get ahold of it (because I'm poor and can't go to the record store). Do you have any suggestions? Do you have anything to say at all? It seems I haven't gotten comments in a month.

I'm getting over a bad cold that first infected me last week and now Xtina has some sort of illness that appears to be much much worse than my cold. We'll see what this weekend has in store for us and which one of us can participate.


Anonymous said...

sounds like a case of l'esprit d'escalier

Hope you're feeling better, Kevin.

p said...

just for the sake of being entirely unhelpful: the new beck album ain't too bad

Anonymous said...

Hey kevin, cherry street misses you. i just got back from karate and am watching aqua teen hunger force, maybe your next order from netflix?

rebecca said...

thank you for smoking was ok, i watched it last two feelin any better? haven't sen you in a while. i'm goin to MI until sat, but maybe we could get a drink sat/sun night?

kevdek said...


'thank you for smoking' is coming up on my list. We're both feeling better, maybe I'll see you this weekend.