Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Christmas without Peanuts

This past saturday morning I was killing time by watching cartoons and I saw an ad for "A Charlie Brown Christmas" to be played tonight at eight. I had every intention of watching it, because, let's face it, it's just not Christmas without *good grief* peanuts. I find that if I focus on Christmas, despite my frustration with how much it's been commercialized, I can more easily look forward to it as a goal allowing me to get more papers done before the semester closes. However, much to my disappointment, I missed it. Today I've been attempting to write a paper that just isn't turning out the way I'd like, perhaps god is punishing me for trying to disprove him for a grade. Even though I know I have to get this done by friday, because it's not turning out I spent my day looking at various items to waste my time - a receipt, an old issue of Redbook (sent to my house by mistake), iTunes. Anyway, because I had been subconsciously trying to waste time, I, in effect, missed "A Charlie Brown Christmas." Woe is me.

I am the most pathetic individual ever

1 comment:

p said...

Kevin. Clearly you aren't that pathetic. Duh. You totally have plans for the future and stuff. How was the issue of Redbook? Do you think I could have that when you're done with it?