Friday, December 31, 2004

Berghoeffer play set, hope chest not included

The other night, Peter and I went out to Ruben's garage and threw some darts with Ruben and Ken. Later we went to Mulligans where we got two pitchers of only the finest of PBR (a typical drinking night). We discussed the nature of sympathy, arguing that sympathy is in itself an illusion as well as discussing the possibility of creating action figures of people we know (this is possible only because everyone I know is neurotic and animated). You can read all about it on "the original grotesque parody." While I was there I realized that that is exactly how I want to spend my time, that for that moment, as much as I bitch about my circumstances, I had a good time. I have missed good, fulfilling conversation. Hopefully, my abundance of time over interim will bring about a more enjoyable aspect of my daily life.

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