Saturday, January 07, 2006

insert clever title here;

or, put your penis between the mattress and box-spring and have at it.

another average week. i drank a little more than usual but outside of that, and my thursday morning hangover, nothing special. It has been good seeing becky around.

Week after week of anticipation. Anticipating my own actions like I have no bearing on them. Fleeting moments, stagnant action.


rebecca said...

can you still be a music lover and want a break from the harmonica, or at least dylan with a harmonica? my brother says no.

Krista said...

howdy blogger. i just stopped by to see if i could borrow a cup of sugar. i also wondered how on god's green earth i link to your blog. i hope all is well with you, hope you enjoyed the holly days. i received commemorative sheets of money with collectors' edition etchings of washington, jefferson and lincoln from my scam-prone grandparents. sigh.