Wednesday, March 30, 2005


today is the warmest day of the year thus far. What is, you may ask, am I doing to celebrate? Today I have class until 1:30 where I will be in the bytwerk theater watching a 4 hour long Bollywood film. Now don't get me wrong, I love watching four hour foreign musicals in subtitles. Luckily, my ipod is ready and willing to give me some sort of relief from the song and dance. Wait, I'll feel guilty about that and end up falling asleep. After the movie I go to work until 10. I'm going to want a beer bad. Good news on my little habit: I no longer feel a strong need to drink at night and I don't need alcohol to sleep: Hazaah!

1 comment:

p said...

watch it alanis, are you sure thats irony?