Thursday, March 24, 2005

my advice to you, sir...

is to do what your parents did and Get A Job!

It's true, the revolution is over, the bums lost. I'm sitting in the ITC in dress pants/shirt. After typing this I plan to do some more work updating my resume. There's a job fair on campus today but I found out just a few minutes ago that it's for summer jobs. Oh well, a start is a start. Perhaps they have something for slackers like me looking for a real job. While me dressing up is, in a way, trying to mask exactly how inexperienced and unprofessional I really am, I can't hide it. A half hour ago I discovered that my socks are, in fact, brown and not black, something I denied getting ready this morning. Damn you Y chromasome.

I feel pretty good today. I was quite anxious yesterday (just ask nick). I feel better and actually mildly qualified to survive in "the real world." I'm sure this will pass, maybe it's the sunshine today.


p said...

Kevdek, I'm an all-american hero. And so are you. Only not quite as cool as I am.

Anonymous said...

we've really got to work on this paranoia problem. you should start with deep breaths and happy thoughts about getting crunk all up in the unless of course there's still time before the wedding for derek from diversions....

"someone open a window because this flower is wiltin"